QUESTION: Well, it’s my honor to welcome back to the show for the first time in his new capacity Marco Rubio, who is now the Secretary of State of the United States of America – of course, a long-time U.S. senator from the great State of Florida. Secretary Rubio, welcome back. It’s great to have you here.
SECRETARY RUBIO: Thanks for having me on. It’s good to be with you in this new role.
QUESTION: I saw a report out of the Pentagon just minutes ago that day three of U.S. strikes against the Houthi terrorists in Yemen now underway. I’ve seen some talk and chatter online from certain precincts wondering why are we bombing Yemen. Is this in our vital national interest to be engaged in this? I think the answer is yes. Obviously, the President fully agrees and has issued these orders. From the Trump Administration, U.S. perspective, Secretary, why is this the correct course of action against the Houthis?
SECRETARY RUBIO: Well, first of all, it’s wrong to think about it as we’re bombing Yemen. We’re bombing the Houthis, and they happen to be located in Yemen. They’ve taken control of parts of the territory of Yemen. They claim to be the government, but they really aren’t. It’s basically a terrorist organization that over the last 18 months has attacked United States naval vessels 174 times. So I would ask anyone who says what you just said, who raises that point: If we get attacked 174 times by any group in the world, what should our response to that be?
I ask anybody, if you get attacked – our naval ships, 174 times, commercial vessels – I mean, all these things that people like to buy whether you’re ordering it on Amazon or buying it from a store, the whole product that you need, or maybe you’re in a business that relies on these things for sales. They all come on cargo ships. They’ve been attacked close to 150 times in the last 18 months. So, what do you do with a group that attacks your Navy 174 times or this group that attacks commercial shipping 150 times? You just leave them there, you let them keep attacking? You go ahead and say, okay, well, I guess we just can’t ship through there anymore because these guys are there? No, I think the answer everyone would say is you’ve got to take them out and that’s what we’re doing. We’re going after their ability to attack our Navy ships and their ability to attack our commercial shipping, period. That’s what we’re doing. We’re doing the world a favor by doing that, because it’s not just our ships that they’re attacking. But they’re attacking us more than anybody else.
QUESTION: Yeah, no, I think it’s clearly in our interests but also the interests of the world and open trade and lowering costs of the goods that gets driven up if you have to ship around the Horn of Africa. So, the reasons are plenty, and I’m glad that this is finally happening. I think it’s really delayed from the Biden administration. Now you guys are getting down to business and doing what should have been done a while ago. There’s also a message here not just indirectly but as of today also directly from President Trump to the Iranian patrons of the Houthis. Talk about that message as well.
SECRETARY RUBIO: Well, the Houthis don’t exist – I mean, first of all, the Houthis don’t have the ability to do this without Iran helping them, okay? They don’t – I mean, they’ve learned how to make them, these drones and these sophisticated anti-ship drones, but this technology is coming from somewhere. Iran is helping them. Iran is helping them make these things, Iran is providing them the money to do these things, Iran is providing them with targeting information that they can use against us. I mean, without Iran, there is no Houthi threat of this magnitude. I mean, there’s a Houthi threat inside of Yemen, but not a Houthi threat against our Navy and against commercial shipping.
So, Iran owns this problem. I mean, they created this Frankenstein monster, and now they got to own it. And I think we should hold them responsible. And as the President has said, if these guys keep doing this, we owe Iran responsible for having created it. So, I think that’s the second point that I would make. I wouldn’t go any further than what the President said today, but he’s very serious about – I was actually with him when he put that message out. He’s very serious about it because he knows, unlike Joe Biden, that this is a group that was allowed to grow into the threat they’ve become because the Biden administration didn’t do anything about it.
QUESTION: You have been intimately involved in trying to pursue President Trump’s stated goal of ending Russia’s war against Ukraine in a way that is sustainable. It seems to me at least that the Ukrainians have taken a number of constructive steps now toward peace in a war where they’ve been victimized. You’ve got the aggressors, the Russians, they’re willing to talk. I know you’ve had U.S. delegations sitting across from the Russians. There’s a phone call coming up between President Trump and Putin as well. Have you seen meaningful movement yet to your satisfaction from the Russian side of this?
SECRETARY RUBIO: Well, I don’t think there’s been movement to our satisfaction from anybody yet. I think what we have seen is that we’re closer – we’re not close to peace. I mean, I think there’s a lot to be worked on, but we’re closer than we were two weeks ago or closer than we were six months ago. This war is going on three years, and the President wants it to end. I think everyone should agree that this war needs to end, and the question is how do you end it in a way that it doesn’t restart again. So, the plan basically was, can we get these guys to stop shooting at each other and sit down and have a negotiation over how to end this permanently. That’s been the President’s goal.
We got a good commitment from Ukraine last week in Saudi Arabia. I went there. I met with them. They agreed to stop shooting and freeze everything where it is, and we can get to talking about how to end this permanently. And now we got to get something like that from the Russians. So, there’s been good meetings. Ambassador Steve Witkoff, our special envoy, met with Putin himself last week; had a productive meeting. It wasn’t a waste of time, came back with some information, but we’ll know more tomorrow after the President speaks to Putin. And hopefully we’ll be in a better place.
But I think the President needs – President Trump needs to be applauded for trying to find peace. And look, he’s the only leader in the world right now that can do this. The Chinese can’t do this. The Europeans can’t do this. The only leader in the world right now that has any chance at all of bringing this thing to an end is President Trump, and I think he needs to be applauded for even putting so much time and effort and dedicating so much attention to this.
QUESTION: Here on the home front, Secretary Rubio, there’s been a real point of emphasis from the Trump Administration on protecting the American people from dangerous foreign gangs. We’ve seen a lot of that infiltration over the course of a four-year border crisis that has finally been put to an end by President Trump, but there’s still a lot of bad people here who came here illegally, and there is this process to remove a lot of them from the country, and that’s causing, as you know, some controversy.
There was this deportation – a series of flights of alleged Tren de Aragua gang members – that a judge ordered those flights to basically turn around, and the administration said nope, they’re in international waters, out of U.S. airspace already, that doesn’t apply. That might get fought out in courts and appealed further. I would imagine that issue isn’t over. But some of those alleged Tren de Aragua gang members are now in prisons in El Salvador. I’ve seen some concern expressed that there is not concrete evidence that all of the people who were deported to those Salvadorean prisons are confirmed members of Tren de Aragua, and there is no recourse if someone was incorrectly swept up, and that there’s no due process for someone who might want to appeal that. What’s your response to that? Is that a legitimate concern?
SECRETARY RUBIO: Well, first of all, I would say that every single person that was on that plane was in the country illegally, one way or the other, in terms of the Venezuelans and the Tren de Aragua guys.
So, what was on that plane was MS-13, identified MS-13 criminals, wanted for crimes in El Salvador where they came from. And when I went – met with President Bukele, he has a list of people he wants to put on trial in his country for committing crimes over there, and he’s got a very safe and good prison system, so we sent them on that plane. And then there were these people – look, we have local intelligence authorities, police departments, FBI, others that have spent now the better part of a year assembling a roster of known gang members, of people they know are part of Tren de Aragua. And so, these people were part of that list.
Now, assuming – let’s just assume – and I’m not saying this is the case, because I think there’s high fidelity and confidence that in fact that’s exactly what every single one of them was – but if one of them turns out not to be, then they’re just illegally in our country and the Salvadorans can then deport them to Venezuela. But they weren’t supposed to be in our country to begin with. They were here illegally. They were all here illegally, all the people that are on that list.
The important thing to note here is our country was flooded with these – this is one of the most dangerous gangs. And I say “gangs;” it’s really a terrorist organization. They’ve been designated as such. I designated them terrorists at the President’s orders, and rightfully so. We’ve been asking for this stuff for over a year.
This is one of the most dangerous groups that’s ever been operating inside the United States of America. Incredibly well organized, violent – I mean, unbelievably violent. Some of them were at Guantanamo on their way to deportation. The military guards that were watching them were like, these are the worst people we’ve ever interacted with. It’s a prison gang that broke out of Venezuela, flooded into our country – were flooded into our country by the Venezuelan regime. And we’ve got to get them out of our country. And they really should be going to Venezuela. Venezuela should be taking them, but they refuse to take them. And so, we are fortunate to have a friend like President Bukele who, as part of my meeting with him said we will take them for a fraction of what it costs you guys to house them in your own prison system.
But these people need to be out of our country. These are people that are responsible for kidnappings, rapes, extortion, murders. I mean, some of – it is the single most dangerous – it’s an enemy alien – an alien enemy group, I mean, that’s infiltrated our country and is waging war on the United States of America, and there’s a lot of evidence that these groups were allowed to operate and grow by the regime in Venezuela, which I guarantee you has no problem pushing them towards the United States to undermine us here, and because they don’t want them in their country doing these things.
So, I think it was a great move by the President. I think it was a very helpful thing that El Salvador did for us and President Bukele, and we’re grateful to him for it. And frankly, I feel like we should continue to do it.
QUESTION: And the judge who said these had to stop and the administration saying, well, it actually doesn’t apply – do you expect that to be appealed?
SECRETARY RUBIO: Oh yeah, it already has been appealed. Because, I mean, first of all, we’re talking about an operation here that involves the Department of Defense, because these are alien enemies and has been declared as such by the President.
Second, look, obviously the others will be more aware of sort of, like, where the planes were and the logistics of it, but I think there’s a fundamental question to ask here, and that is: How can a judge sitting in Washington, D.C. have jurisdiction over three planefuls of criminals flying over the Gulf of America? Really gotten out of control here, where we have these judges, district judges, anywhere in the country – you can find a district – all you got to do is go find a judge anywhere in America to issue these orders that apply nationally. But when those orders touch on the President’s right to set foreign policy, which is what this was in many ways – this is foreign policy, it’s national security – you’ve got a big problem. You’ve got courts here that basically are completely out of control, and can you imagine if those planes had turned around and come back?
And you know what else is ironic to me? We have courts out there that had no problem – no problem – with people being fired from the military, fired from their jobs for not getting vaccinated. They had no problem with that. They had no problem with cities and counties and local governments telling churches you cannot meet during the pandemic, you cannot exercise your religious liberties. But they will go and bend over backwards to bring back and secure the alleged rights of rapists and kidnappers and extortionists and dangerous enemies of the United States. It’s unbelievable to me. Unbelievable.
QUESTION: Yeah, it’s like kind of the Johnny-come-latelies as well on free speech, where they’re trying to frame some of these deportations of Hamas supporters – they’re saying, oh, well, this is punishing speech, when they’ve never seemed to have any interest in free speech for American citizens. But in this case, they’re ignoring the criminal behavior of these people to try to turn it into a speech issue. I know that you’ve been on fire on that issue in the interviews that I’ve seen. I do want to ask you – only have a minute left together with you, Secretary Rubio – you just came back from Canada. You were up there for those G7 meetings. How was your reception in Canada given the strains between our countries right now – the 51st-state trolling, all of that? How did that go for you as a representative of the United States and the Trump Administration?
SECRETARY RUBIO: Well, it went fine. I mean, first of all, it was a G7 gathering, so it wasn’t about the Canada issue. It just happen to be hosted by Canada, sort of a remote location or what have you. And certainly, it came up, and I think sometimes – I mean, it’s dominating their news, and at the end of the day it is what it is, but ultimately, I mean, we had a lot of other issues to talk about of great importance. I mean, we’re aware of it – I mean, it dominates Canadian news, it’s like the only thing they talk about is this thing. But at the end of the day, when it comes to the trade piece of it, this is ultimately – it’s not about Canada; it’s not about Mexico; it’s not about the European Union. It’s about everybody. The President rightfully states that the state of global trade is completely unfair to America – completely unfair. So, I get why all these countries are unhappy, because they got a great deal going on and they want to keep it going.
The President says no, we’re going to reset the baseline, the baseline of trade, so that it’s fair. Everyone – what do you charge us, we’re going to charge you. And then we can negotiate – countries that want to can negotiate with us on a one-on-one bilateral basis to see if we can come up with trade deals with them that are fair to both sides. But we have to negotiate from a new status quo. We can’t negotiate from an old – the existing status quo, which is completely – why would any of these countries negotiate with us new trade deals if the one they have now is unfair and benefits them? Why would they give that up?
QUESTION: Marco Rubio is the 72nd Secretary of State of the United States of America. He’s our guest here on The Guy Benson Show. Secretary Rubio, thank you so much for your time. We look forward to chatting again.
SECRETARY RUBIO: Absolutely. Thank you.
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